bond strength

bond strength
прочность склеивания
сила связи

Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "bond strength" в других словарях:

  • Bond strength — In chemistry, bond strength is measured between two atoms joined in a chemical bond [JerryMarch] . It is the degree to which each atom linked to a central atom contributes to the valency of this central atom. Bond strength is intimately linked to …   Wikipedia

  • bond strength — ryšio stiprumas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. bond strength vok. Bindungsstärke, f rus. прочность связи, f pranc. rigidité de liaison, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • bond strength — the force or strength necessary to break a bond between 2 adhering surfaces or materials …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Bond order — is the number of bonds between a pair of atoms. For example in nitrogen N≡N the bond order is 3, in acetylene H−C≡C−H the bond order between the two carbon atoms is 3 and the C−H bond order is 1. Bond order gives an indication to the stability of …   Wikipedia

  • Bond-dissociation energy — In chemistry, bond dissociation energy (BDE) or D0, is one measure of the bond strength in a chemical bond. It is defined as the standard enthalpy change when a bond is cleaved by homolysis,[1] with reactants and products of the homolysis… …   Wikipedia

  • Bond energy — In chemistry, bond energy ( E ) is a measure of bond strength in a chemical bond. For example the carbon hydrogen bond energy in methane E (C–H) is the enthalpy change involved with breaking up one molecule of methane into a carbon atom and 4… …   Wikipedia

  • Bond dissociation energy — In chemistry, bond dissociation energy, D0 or BDE, is one measure of the bond strength in a chemical bond. It is defined as the standard enthalpy change when a bond is cleaved by homolysis, [GoldBookRef |title=Bond dissociation energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Bond valence method — The bond valence method (or bond valence sum) (not to be mistaken for the valence bond theory in quantum chemistry) is a popular method in coordination chemistry to estimate the oxidation states of atoms.The basic idea is that the valence V of an …   Wikipedia

  • Bond length — In molecular geometry, bond length or bond distance is the average distance between nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule. Explanation Bond length is inversely related to bond order, when more electrons participate in bond formation the bond… …   Wikipedia

  • Bond order potential — Bond order potentials are a class of empirical (analytical) potentials used e.g. in molecular dynamics and molecular statics simulations. Examples include the Tersoff potentialcite journal first = J. last = Tersoff authorlink = coauthors = year …   Wikipedia

  • Bond — (b[o^]nd), n. [The same word as band. Cf. {Band}, {Bend}.] 1. That which binds, ties, fastens, or confines, or by which anything is fastened or bound, as a cord, chain, etc.; a band; a ligament; a shackle or a manacle. [1913 Webster] Gnawing with …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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